Indian train travel is the treasure for pleasant memories and terrible happenings. If you ever been traveled in the trains of India you’ll know what I mean. Journey
from southern most part of India Kanyakumari to Indian capital New Delhi takes a minimum of 24 to 32 hours and it almost covers four states, four or five languages
and cultures.
It is the mix of almost all religion, culture, socio economic class and languages. Despite of the fact Hindi
is the national language, you can see passengers who does not even know the single alphabet of Hindi.
Beyond the diversities of culture, language, religion, class and status there will be a lot of interaction with the locals. Persistently you can notice a wide variety of graceful and eye pleasing happenings and more often terrible incidents. In one side you may notice a group of youngsters actively involved in shuffling the play cards, while in the other end you could notice the students who were dedicated themselves in discussing school topics. More ever you can feel the heat of healthy arguments from senior citizens. Minor quarrel to major fighting’s are very common.
In late hours of working days you could see office going house wife’s who were seriously involved in cutting greens and vegetables for their night cooking.
You would find the meaning of sharing of living in this train journey. Routinely you can see people who deliberately shares their food, water, seating’s, dailies, magazines
and more, to whom he does not even know the name of that stranger.
Surprising friendships to romantic loves are the specialties of this train travel. There’s vendors’ moving through the carriages selling whatever you need. Snacks and drinks can be purchased from the people whom wander up and down the aisles. Frequently you can feel sweetness of melody in the song of beggars who made it as their habit of begging from ongoing passengers in the train.
More ever you’ll be absorbed by the fascinating sights as the train pass over river, pretty landscapes, plantations, forests, rural villages and in to the stings of numerous tunnels. Entry of train in to stoppages were welcomed by the cries of red shirted porters,’Tea’,'Tea’,'chaya’,'chaya’ call of vendors and by the noises made of fellow travellers rushing by. Frequently you could see the fellow passengers who would get down at every station to stretch, sip tea and soak in the sights and sounds. To enjoy untamed thrills and to re-discover the adventures
in you, you must travel in Indian train especially in general and sleeper compartments.(Note: Not in peak travel days.)
It is more than a mere train journey. It is almost the mix of all religion, language
, more culture, class, status, joy, fun and sentiments by which it perfectly emphasizes the phrase unity in diversity.
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