July 15, 2010

Symbol of Indian Rupee

Next time if you come across with this symbol don’t look it as a strange symbol of some particular language. It is the universal symbol of growing economic power India’s currency,Rupee.The government of India unveiled a new international symbol  representing its currency, the rupee. Until now globally Indian currency is recognized by the term INR or Re which resembles closely to other currencies of Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. With the intention to formalize a symbol for the Indian rupee which reflects and captures Indian ethos and culture the design was chosen in a competition won by a teacher at one of the country's Indian Institutes of Technology. Uday Kumar's design was chosen from a shortlist of five and he was awarded around Rupees 2.5 lakhs (approximately£3,500) in prize money. The symbol is a blend of the Devanagari ‘ra’and the Roman capital ‘R’ without the stem. The parallel lines at the top (with white space between them) make an allusion to the tricolor Indian flag and also depict an equality sign which symbolizes the nation's desire to reduce economic disparity.With this symbol, the rupee will join the select club of currencies, such as the US dollar, British pound sterling, euro and Japanese yen that have a clear distinguishing identity. It will soon be introduced on computer keyboards and banknotes in India and is expected to take a year or two to be fully implemented. With its new rupee symbol, India the fastest growing economy in the world, is declaring itself a member in this elite class of world economies.
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Anonymous said...

But sir how can write this font in my twitter and facebook profile, please help!

Anonymous said...

This is easy, first write in Microsoft Word and then copy-paste into your profile, enjoy!

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